Scarab Lord - Corrupted Ashbringer - Contest Winner's Tabard - Atiesh - 6x Realm Firsts
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Highlights (extremely rare): Scarab Lord - Corrupted Ashbringer - Contest Winners' Tabard - Atiesh Greatstaff of the Guardian - 6x Realm Firsts
Transmog including:
Corrupted Ashbringer (Rarest weapon in the game)
Contest Winners Tabard (Rarest tabard/item in the game)
Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian (Rarest staff in the game - Druid version)
Full T3 Paladin (Redemption Set)
Ravencrest's Legacy
Tabard of the Protector
Tabard of the Argent Dawn
Tabard of Frost
Competitor's Tabard
Achievements Including:
Scarab Lord
Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian
6x Realm First Achievements / Titles
What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been
Champion of the Naaru
Hand of A'dal
The Undying
The Immortal
Onyxia's Lair
The Fifth Element
Multiple Ahead of the Curve achievements
Mounts Including:
Black Qiraji War Tank (Scarab Lord)
Big Blizzard Bear
Violet Proto Drake
Warlord's Deathweel
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